COMP 557 - Fall 2009 - Assignment 5
Ray Tracing
Milestone Due 23:59 pm Monday 16 November
Complete Assignment Due 23:59 pm Monday 30 November



Some features that are shared among rendered images.

Jittered Super Sampling

To do this, I splitted each pixel into many small ones, and cast a ray from camera point to the center of each subpixel. Next, I did perturb the ray using normal distribution.


Lighting, Area Lights, and Soft Shadows


Image : cow.png

Scene : scene_cow.xml

Render time : 6008.89 s

Resolution : 800x600

Subpixel Sampling : 4

Shadow projection.



Image : softshadow.png

Scene : scene_shadow.xml

Render time : 2332.172 s

Resolution : 800x600

Subpixel Sampling : 4

Phong's shading, Area light.




Image : mirror.png

Scene : scene_mirror.xml

Render time : 93.969 s

Resolution : 800x600

Subpixel Sampling : 4

Cascading compute ray casting, up to 10 bounces.


Simple Acceleration for Meshes


Image : tetra.png

Scene : scene_tetra.xml

Render time : 42.766 s

w/o Bound : 404.688 s

Resolution : 800x600

Subpixel Sampling : 4

Applying bounding box to mesh will greatly reduce render time.



Here are some result images listed by types of object.

Sphere Intersection


Image : spheres.png

Scene : scene_sphere.xml

Render time : 58.734 s

Resolution : 800x600

Subpixel Sampling : 4

This scene was taken from E. Piuze-Phaneuf's Testing scene.




Image : cubes.png

Scene : scene_cube.xml

Render time : 1375.906 s

Resolution : 800x600

Subpixel Sampling : 4

This scene was also taken from E. Piuze-Phaneuf's Testing scene


Triangle Meshes, Subdivision Surfaces, and Instances


Image : meshes.png

Scene : scene_meshes.xml

Render time : 610.766 s

Resolution : 800x600

Subpixel Sampling : 4

There are three subdivided meshes involving in this scene, two torus and a tetrahedron.


Image : output1.png

Scene : scene1.xml

Render time : 1426.969 s

Resolution : 800x600

Subpixel Sampling : 4

Where is he looking?


Novel Scene


Image : output3.png

Scene : scene3.xml

Render time : 7632.828 s

Resolution : 800x600

Subpixel Sampling : 4

"Unleash the true power", who said a tetrahedron can't do anything?

In this image, I implemented light ball effect and impulsed surface. This first one is just a transparent sphere, while the second one is a plane with blended normal vectors.